I think some might be intrested in Jung's work about man and symbols:
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
by Jonathan Drake inif you are a current practitioner of some religious faith i would appreciate it if you abstained from this thread entirely.
im curious if anyone has had what could be discribed as a spiritual experience.
i'm currently reading sam harris book waking up and it's very good so far.
by Jonathan Drake inif you are a current practitioner of some religious faith i would appreciate it if you abstained from this thread entirely.
im curious if anyone has had what could be discribed as a spiritual experience.
i'm currently reading sam harris book waking up and it's very good so far.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think it is important to acknowledge man's spiritual side and not take a extreme materialistic approach to man's psychological condition.
The worship of Deities is part of our psychological make up for 100s of thousands of years and maybe more as his mind entered the ages of reason and intellectual ability it is therefore embedded deep in our unconscious drives and should not be ignored or else it can cause unpleasant results.
I'm all for new forms of spirituality that will satisfy man's needs to be more whole and in touch with himself and sometimes just taking the time to go inward by sitting quietly has tremendous reward as it allows for more connection and awareness.
Jehovah's Shadow
by Brokeback Watchtower injehovah is a god of love, he's always right, he knows everything, every decision he makes must not be challenged or else face his terrible destructive and deserved rage.
satan is jehovah's psychological hook on which he hangs all shadow projection of his own evil of which he is in serious denial of, since in his own mind he can do no wrong and must never be challenged, and every challenger must be defeated and destroyed forever.. this is where the extreme lopsidedness of this mythology lies which creates a psychological lopsidedness in his worshipers who consider him flawless in attributes.
this makes it hard for the worshiper to see the world clearly(denial), because of his own viewpoint of sin and the need to be sinless and flawles in devotion/obediance which causes him loose a large part of him self through denial of his own nature.. this constant denial by the worshipers of this deity's evil side is not healthy psychologically, and is partly/or largely to blame for a lot of cruelty in the world by the shadow projections they cause by denying one's own evil.
Brokeback Watchtower
The worshiper of this lopsided Deity will when asked about the Deities fit of rage as in say the biblical flood where a mass destruction involving vast amounts innocent carnage they will justify it and will side with the Deities behavior and label it just and loving and appropriate actions on his behalf and deny any immoral conduct on his part.
Denial of one's own shadow and a dimness of understanding takes place in the process which probably shrinks many neurons through lack of use because of the extreme bias cause by denial. Now imagine this process at work in 50% or more of life's decisions and we see the accumulitive effects of such mental regulating of in the minds of those worshipers and the effect it has on the world.
Jehovah's Shadow
by Brokeback Watchtower injehovah is a god of love, he's always right, he knows everything, every decision he makes must not be challenged or else face his terrible destructive and deserved rage.
satan is jehovah's psychological hook on which he hangs all shadow projection of his own evil of which he is in serious denial of, since in his own mind he can do no wrong and must never be challenged, and every challenger must be defeated and destroyed forever.. this is where the extreme lopsidedness of this mythology lies which creates a psychological lopsidedness in his worshipers who consider him flawless in attributes.
this makes it hard for the worshiper to see the world clearly(denial), because of his own viewpoint of sin and the need to be sinless and flawles in devotion/obediance which causes him loose a large part of him self through denial of his own nature.. this constant denial by the worshipers of this deity's evil side is not healthy psychologically, and is partly/or largely to blame for a lot of cruelty in the world by the shadow projections they cause by denying one's own evil.
Brokeback Watchtower
Jehovah is a God of love, he's always right, he knows everything, every decision he makes must not be challenged or else face his terrible destructive and deserved rage.
Satan is Jehovah's psychological hook on which he hangs all shadow projection of his own evil of which he is in serious denial of, since in his own mind he can do no wrong and must never be challenged, and every challenger must be defeated and destroyed forever.
This is where the extreme lopsidedness of this mythology lies which creates a psychological lopsidedness in His worshipers who consider him flawless in attributes. This makes it hard for the worshiper to see the world clearly(denial), because of his own viewpoint of sin and the need to be sinless and flawles in devotion/obediance which causes him loose a large part of him self through denial of his own nature.
This constant denial by the worshipers of this Deity's evil side is not healthy psychologically, and is partly/or largely to blame for a lot of cruelty in the world by the shadow projections they cause by denying one's own evil. Denial leads to violence in extreme cases of this lopsidedness.
Jehovah Satan Mary Jesus would make a nice Quaternity Deity and promote less denial in its worshipers less violent reactions to hooks on which they hang their own evil in which they are in denial of since there would be less denial from a more accepting nature of ones own evil and a more psychological balance.
Bro Loesch's talk.
by New day inrecently i heard through video link to our kh a talk by bro loesch where he attacked university study (again) but this time he prefaced his remarks by saying, and i quote, "the faithful slave does not forbid you to go to university.
" so this was a bad start as his following remarks made it clear that this was just a way of seeming reasonable while basically saying that we shouldn't do it.
he went on to use an illustration i think he has used before about a man with ocd who decided to kill himself.
Brokeback Watchtower
Here's the talk:
What is Truth?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwe heard it so many times 'your word it truth'.
most religion claim their's is the right one and that people need to follow this one to get salvation because it is the truth all the rest don't teach truth.. truth as used in the christian religion refers to the saying of the bible and j c. these statements are nothing more than wishful thinking and supported by confirmation bias.. john 18:37,3837therefore pilate said to him, "so you are a king?
" jesus answered, "you say correctly that i am a king.
Brokeback Watchtower
We heard it so many times 'your word it truth'. Most religion claim their's is the right one and that people need to follow this one to get salvation because it is the truth all the rest don't teach truth.
Truth as used in the christian religion refers to the saying of the bible and J C. These statements are nothing more than wishful thinking and supported by confirmation bias.
John 18:37,38
37Therefore Pilate said to Him, "So You are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." 38Pilate said to Him, "What is truth?"This is the ranting of a delusional person who felt God was his biological father. This God/man delusion was not confined to Jesus as many delusional men in times past and present have felt a special kinship to this imaginary creator it is called in modern terms as a Messiah complex.
A messiah complex (also known as the Christ complex or savior complex) is a state of mind in which an individual holds a belief that they are, or are destined to become, a savior.[1]
The term "messiah complex" is not addressed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), as it is not a clinical term nor diagnosable disorder, however, the symptoms of the disorder closely resemble those found in individuals suffering fromgrandiose delusions or delusions of grandeur. This form of delusional belief is most often reported in patients suffering from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. When a messiah complex is manifested within a religious individual after a visit to Jerusalem, it may be identified as a psychosis known as Jerusalem syndrome.[2]MY suggestion is don't look to any religion to find this imaginary truth because it is all delusional and heavily laden with confirmation bias.
Brave high school student exposes abuse and corruption within Jehovahs witnesses
by Watchtower-Free inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdvt_gyq-ls&feature=youtu.be.
Brokeback Watchtower
She nailed it! It is sad very sad but this girl nailed it. -
Assembly today, Survival Tips and Recommendations Please!
by Blackfalcon98 inso there's an indoctrination session tomorrow......any tips for getting through with my sanity intact?
Brokeback Watchtower
I recommend ear plugs. It is important that you keep that dumb shit from fouling up your neuronal networks and spitting out garbage; like the old saying garbage in means garbage out. You don't want to listen too closely to what these delusional lying CEOs are offering as spiritual food because it shrinks your brain though lack of use and faulty logic.
Also practice drawing mandalas they help center the mind.
Stephen Lett: Crazy Old Kook or Just Really Bad Actor?
by Wild_Thing inso, i am reposting this video from wifibandit's thread since it is a bit off topic.
i watched this video and i have to say that this guy really creeps me out.
his slow and methodical gestures coupled with with his over-annuciation of every word makes him appear absolutely crazy!.
Brokeback Watchtower
The guy is a major xenophobe, I remember his talk about "Listening to the voice of Strangers" what a paranoid scizo he is about JWs listening to a "stranger's" evil voice of deceit and trickery. A real nut job if ever there was one he is. -
The "Ice Cream Video" - is it real?
by freddo inthe "don't buy ice cream give us the money video" that is the subject of other threads.. i am not very good with computer stuff - would someone tell me where it is to be found on jworg please?
i can't find it.. thanks..
Brokeback Watchtower
Boy the Watchtower wants to squeeze every nickle and dime they can from these kids, get them baptized as young as possible, and then shit on them when they leave the cult. Heartless greedy bastards is all I can say.